Support the Kuumba Singers
The Kuumba Singers' Annual Fund was established in 2006 to encourage an ever-widening circle of friends to join Kuumba in celebrating the creativity and spirituality of Black culture. As the choir matures, its undergraduate members regularly discover new ways to fulfill Kuumba's mission, even as they remain committed to the concerts, tours, and community outreach that marked our own time in Kuumba. A gift to the Kuumba Singers' Annual Fund will support:
The Dr. S. Allen Counter Christmas Concerts
The Dean Archie C. Epps Spring Concerts
The Dr. Walter J. Leonard Black Arts Festival
Spring tours both national and international
Annual concerts of the Brothers and Sisters of Kuumba
Community education outreach efforts in Cambridge and Boston and on tour
Creating new recordings of the Kuumba Singers
Upgrading Kuumba’s library of music and literature
Cataloging and archiving Kuumba’s 40-plus years of material history
To make a routine donation on a monthly or annually interval please click here or call 617-495-1750.
To make a tax-deductible donation to the Kuumba Endowment
To make a tax-deductible donation to Kuumba's Annual Fund
1) Visit here:
2) Under “Select a Fund,” choose “OTHER”
3) In the “Other Fund Name” field, enter “Kuumba Singers Gift Account #330229″
To make a donation of stocks or bonds:
1) Follow the instructions found here: Stocks & Matching Gifts | Harvard Alumni
2) For the Designation of the Gift, enter “Kuumba Singers Endowment Account #480128″ (for the Endowment) or “Kuumba Singers Gift Account #330229” (for the Annual Fund).